
Here is information about various barriers. They are alphabetically ordered.

Childcare: Please notify us in advance if you need childcare during a training session. Childcare is only available for club members’ children and is free of charge.

Costs: There is a monthly club fee of €50 for adults, €25 per month for children and teenagers, and €5 per month for individuals with refugee status. More information on costs is available [here].

Disability: If you have a disability and are unsure if you can participate in the training, please feel free to email us or give us a call. We can guide you on which training would be suitable for you.

Emergency Exits: Both gyms can be quickly exited in case of panic, as there is an additional emergency exit in both rooms.

• The Blue Gym is not wheelchair accessible, with access via 4 steps without a ramp. The toilet and shower are not wheelchair accessible.
• The Lilac Gym has a 15cm step at the entrance with a mobile ramp. The toilet is not wheelchair accessible. The Lilac Gym will be made wheelchair accessible in 2025.

First Aid: Both gyms have a first aid kit for injuries. Additionally, there is a box for Psychological First Aid in both gyms, designed to help individuals return to the present moment and calm down.

Illnesses (Chronic): If you have a chronic illness and are unsure if you can participate in the training, please email us or give us a call for guidance.

Illnesses (Infectious): If you feel sick or have a contagious illness such as a stomach virus or a cold, please do not participate in the training.

Trial Trainings: Only individuals on the waiting list can participate in trial trainings. We announce the opening of the waiting list on our website and Facebook. Priority for trial trainings is given to FLINTA* individuals belonging to specific groups.

Safe Space: We aim to create a space where everyone feels comfortable. If you experience discrimination at Sidekick, talk to someone at the club – a trainer or a participant. You can also send a trusted person to report it. We will find a solution together.
Language: The training language is German, but most trainers can translate into English. Participants can also assist with translation. If you don’t understand something, let us know.

Toilets and Changing Rooms:
• The Blue Gym has a communal changing room, two individual changing rooms, two toilets, and two showers with curtains.
• The Lilac Gym has a communal changing room, an individual changing room, and a sanitary room with a toilet and shower. The nearest accessible toilet is at the “Stelzenhaus” restaurant, approximately 350m away.

Website: Our website is not entirely accessible. All photos have alternative text, and each page has headings for easy navigation with a screen reader. However, simple language couldn’t be implemented well, and many sentences are lengthy. The contrasts for individuals with visual impairments are good.

How to Get There: The training locations are at Westwerk, Karl-Heine-Straße 87, 04229 Leipzig-Lindenau.

The nearest tram stop is Tram 14 – Karl Heine Straße / Merseburger Straße. There are no dedicated parking spaces.

Foyer blue gymGym 1 / Blue Gym: Front of Westwerk between Konsum Supermarket, Lipsia Pharmacy, and Moini Pizzeria.




Gym 2 / Purple Gym: Rear of Entrance purple gymWestwerk, past the Konsum parking lot, under the Ashtanga Yoga Loft on the ground floor.